I’m a little mad at mom this year. She refuses to put up an actual Christmas tree because she thinks the 3 adolescent cats will destroy it. Ok, so she’s probably right. Still! I was really looking forward to curling up under the tree on the velvet tree skirt with all the pretty lights. =( Oh, well. Maybe next year! This is what mom came up with on our mantel (so, I guess we DO technically have a tree)…
Sure hope Santa Claws likes it and leaves some toys and nummies when he comes! I wonder if I can bribe him with some of my catnip?
Sounds like you need to conspire with the young uns to jump up there on the mantle and wreck that faux (albeit lovely) tree. Then your mom won’t have an excuse next year to not have a real tree!
Weeeeeell, I guess it’s the “thought” that counts!! That’s sort of a Chrstmas tree…sorta’!
Actually, it’s very cute!
Now, you kitties be sure and leave some catnip out for Santa and I bet he’ll brng you sme really fun toys!
Thanks for the fun update! Kee ’em comng!
Sally and Happy Hannah