Family Time

I love when my family is home.  Today is one of those great days.  Mom and dad are off from work and my brother (“D”) is home from school for Mardi Gras.  It’s a rainy day… perfect day to be LAZY!

sleepy kittiesNapping with me is my sister, Nova.  Mom was worried about how we’d get along after bringing me home from the vet with a missing leg.  Mom kept us separated for a day while she wiped us down with some cleaning cloths.  She did that to get the vet smell off me and so we’d smell a lot alike.  Mom watched to see how I did staying in her bedroom and bathroom.  Once she saw that I was ok, she let Nova in to visit.  She sniffed me over, spending a lot of time over the stitches.  Next thing I know, she butted my head and started trying to give me a bath.  Gee… thanks, Sis.

In the weeks that followed, Nova let me have some space.  She stood back as I learned how to get around again.  She was never far away.  Mom was relieved that she didn’t have to keep us separated.  Sometimes when animals come back home, they don’t get along with siblings.  Sometimes, they even get aggressive with one another or act like they want nothing to do with each other.  Mom has heard from other families that this usually doesn’t last long, but it can be stressful.

basket nova looking at meHere is another pic of Nova when she’s not drooling on mom’s leg.  lol  Yep, now the 2 of us play just like before.  We chase each other, wrestle each other, and nap together like nothing ever happened. 

Since the tumor I had was caused by an adverse reaction to a vaccine, mom is very picky about the vaccinations my sister gets now.  The vet said that since my reaction, I won’t have to get any more vaccinations.  My mom plans on working with our vet to come up with a plan for my sister.

Mom brought Nova home from the shelter after I lost my older sister from diabetes.  I was used to having another cat around, and I was lonely.  Nova is 3 yrs old, so her energy keeps me acting young, too.  

Next time, I’d like to start talking about some of the stumbling blocks I had to hop my way around.  Mom says I’m one stubborn Little Man!   



2 thoughts on “Family Time”

  1. Wow Little Man do you look CUTE in that first picture!!! and your sis is GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I have a sibling too, his name is Jack. He was real nice to me when I was recovering, but that is because he is so fat he cant move around too much to bother me 😀

    You are so lucky to have such a good mama! She really cares about you. I’m so glad you started this blog 😀


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